Valentine Flower Bouquet air freshener

Valentine Flower Bouquet air freshener


Brighten your space with the timeless elegance of our Flower Bouquet Air Freshener!

Product Features:

  • Long-lasting Fragrance: Enjoy a fresh and soothing scent that lasts up to 3 months.

  • Customizable Design: Choose your preferred scent and decide if you'd like a touch of glitter to add sparkle.

  • Handmade Craftsmanship: Each air freshener is crafted with care in Niagara Falls, NY, ensuring a unique and high-quality product.


  • Aroma beads

  • Mica

  • Acrylic paint

  • Phthalate-free fragrance oils

Perfect for cars, closets, small rooms, or as a thoughtful gift, this Flower Bouquet Air Freshener combines beauty and functionality in a charming design.

Order now to customize your bouquet and keep your space smelling delightful!

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